Jamiah ITC Placement Cell
Our institute helps each trainees in exploring placement opportunities by inviting various companies for campus recruitment of trainees who are pass out or appearing the final examination of NTC (National Trade Certificate) at the end of Academic year.
The Placement cell of this institute are a result of very interaction with the industry and continuous career counseling of the trainees. This work not only helps the trainees in getting their “Dreams” jobs but also assist the visiting placement companies in identifying the right candidate for their organization. However, the placement will be governed by as per guidelines of the governments.
All the employers are welcome in our institute for placement/requirement.Contact Information:
- Mr.Habiburrehman Talati, Placement-Officer
Mobile: 9725517186
- Mr.Wasim Patel, Placement Co-ordinator
Mobile: 9714579800
- Mr.MohmmedTarik Patel,Placement sub Co-ordinator
Mobile: 9898024235
Institute Address:
Bypass Road, Darul Quran Campus,
At&Po- Jambusar, Ta-Jambusar
Dist-Bharuch, Gujarat – 392150
Telephone No.: 02644 222676